Seline Solberg Seline Solberg

Voltage Vibes with Seline: Illuminating the Data Center Galaxy

The Great Name Game: My Odyssey in Branding

Hello, dear readers, enthusiasts, future customers, and those who’ve accidentally clicked here while trying to find a recipe for a chocolate cake. Yes, you too are welcome! I’m here today to share the epic saga of choosing a name for my business—a tale of indecision, revelation, and a dash of humor.

Imagine this: a bright-eyed entrepreneur (yours truly) embarks on the thrilling journey of creating a company. Armed with ambition, a sprinkle of naivety, and an MBA, I was ready to conquer the data center industry. But little did I know, my first formidable challenge wouldn’t be market analysis or securing funding. No, it was something far more daunting: choosing a name for the business.

For days on end, I was trapped in what I now affectionately call “The Vortex of Indecisiveness.” Each morning, I’d wake up convinced I had found the perfect name, only to doubt everything by lunchtime. Was it catchy enough? Too catchy? Did it resonate with the spiritual and electrical essence of the company? Could it be easily misspelled? Would my future customers like it, or would they think I’m trying to sell them a new age meditation app?

The turning point came when I decided to embrace both my industry experience and personal beliefs, leading to the birth of “Voltique.” A name that, on one hand, nods to the electrical voltage that powers our products and, on the other, tips its hat to the boutique, personalized nature of our service. And let’s not forget the spiritual philosophy embedded within—like getting three scoops of your favorite gelato in one go. Sweet, right?

Creating Voltique has been an exhilarating ride, filled with moments of both eureka and “what in the world am I doing?” But above all, it’s been a journey of passion. I’m buzzing with excitement (pun fully intended) to see Voltique grow, to innovate within the data center sphere, and to connect with you, our customers and community.

So here’s to the future of Voltique, where we promise to light up not just your data centers but also your hearts. And to all aspiring entrepreneurs out there, remember: choosing a name might feel like an odyssey, but it’s also the first step in a journey that’s uniquely yours. Embrace it, humor and all.

Thank you for stopping by, and whether you came here intentionally or while searching for that elusive chocolate cake recipe, I hope you stay for the journey. Let’s make it electrifyingly fun together!

With energy (and a bit of static), Seline

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